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Like the video shows, it is a good idea to compare several. And ask these questions. What is your experience in my community and neighborhood? What type of representation do you offer? Different states have different types. Some brokers represent buyers, some represent sellers some act as neutral parties between both. and in some states, different people at a single firm can handle each side in a transaction. And of course, what are your terms and fees? Get the key facts in writing to help you compare your options. Then make the best choice for your situation.

If you are selling, do not do these things - take some notes from the video! 1. Dont Sell Before The House Is Ready. If it doesnt present well, it will not sell well. 2. Dont Over-Improve People buy houses in neighborhoods. If yours is so improved that it sticks outyoure hurting your chances at selling. 3. Hire Wrong Make your agent choice for business reasons. Personal relationships matter, but experience and expertise will determine financial success in your sale. 4. Dont Hide Anything Covering up or failing to mention real problems doesnt work. State disclosure laws are strictand you can be sued after the sale for anything that should have been made clear. 5. Dont Rush You should know aboutyour mortgage, including pre-payment penaltiesyour market conditions and trendsand your options for your next homebefore jumping on the market. 6. Dont Get Too Emotional Your attachment to your houseand your own financial needs do not really matter in the transaction. If you cant set them asidethe sale will not go as you would like it to. Remember - it was your home, but to the buyer, it is a house.

As you will see in this video, real estate marketplaces are generally most active in summer because families with children want to move in before school starts. So more homes are typically available in summer as well. But buyers and sellers tend to balance out in other seasons, too especially in todays tight market. There may be fewer buyers in late December but usually fewer homes, too. So, prices tend to rise or fall on general demand in that market rather than time of year. It is best to sell when you & your house are ready to sell. Start working with a real estate professional as early as possible to make the most of your sale in any season.

Most people do not know enough to sell their own house. Heres why. 1. They Cant List It! Only licensed brokers and agents can create a listing in the MLS sale-by-owner houses will be invisible to agents and unavailable on the Web. 2. Agents Wont Show It. Typically, a buyers agent gets part of the commission paid to the sellers agent. Sale-by-owner houses do not have that commission commitment so a buyers agent might not get paid. No agents makes the pool of buyers MUCH smaller. 3. It is Probably Overpriced. Most homeowners do not have enough data and emotional distance to put a market price on their own home. and overpricing is another deterrent to potential buyers. 4. Buyers Prefer Neutrality Buyers will spend less time in the home and be less likely to make an offer because owners arent neutral about the transaction. 5. Legalities & Complexities. Real estate transactions are complicated. Most homeowners do not know enough to avoid potentially expensive liabilities Overlooking a form or required disclosure exposes the seller to lawsuitsAFTER the transaction is closed. There are buyers with enough real estate experience to sell their own homebut if you havent ever sold someone elses home you probably shouldnt try selling your own.

Today, your first showing will be on the Internet - you are watching this on the Internet, right? Your price, listing descriptionand PHOTOSdetermine whether someone will visit in person. Consider professional staging advice or help. Prep for photo- and video-shootsjust as carefully as real visits. Ask your realtor if they usea professional photographer If they dolook at prior photosand pick someone who understands the job. Photos should make the most of your homes featuresand give prospective buyersan emotional connection that invites them to visit in person. Help them envision their lifestylein the housenot just the counters and walls. If your realtor recommends video,just as with photographystage it carefullyand hire a professionalit will pay off. And look over your listing when it goes liveon a computer AND a mobile deviceto make sure it is accurate, pleasantand compels people to show up. Remember - your first showing these days will be on a screen.

Nearly all buyers of new-construction homes — 88%, according to a nation-wide survey in 2013 — involved a real estate agent in the transaction. While it may not be required, if you are considering or buying a new-construction home, you should consider it. Most new-home construction projects — particularly large developments — have sales staff to assist in the transaction. They are knowledgeable about the project, the home models, and incentives. But in contrast to a real estate buyers agent, their job is the project, not you. Times have changed; builders expect real estate agents, and frequently the commission for an agent is built in to their pricing. Agents help guide buyers to realistic choices and help them in the complex purchase process. Building a relationship with an agent, and building their knowledge about a development, can also lead more people to the builders project. If you do have an agent, make sure they are contractually committed to represent you in the process. If you do not have an agent, look for a buyers agent or new-home cobroker to help.

REALTOR® is a registered trademark, as the ® symbol indicates. Only members of the NAR — National Association of Realtors — are allowed to use the trademark as part of their professional title. Members have access to educational resources and certifications around the complex real-estate process. They are also required to adhere to a Code of Ethics. According to NAR, their aim is to be experts in real estate, trends, and their local community, in order to help both buyers and sellers succeed. Roughly half of the people who can sell real estate (by getting a state license) take the additional steps to join NAR and become a REALTOR®. You can find licensed a REALTOR® by searching the NAR directory, or browsing regional resources.

Legal assistance is required in the home-buying process in some US states, but not others. States that currently require a real estate attorney to be involved include: Alabama Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Kansas Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts Mississippi New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Dakota Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Vermont Virginia West Virginia As states pass new legislation, this list may change, so check local laws. Even if a lawyer is not required, the agreements and documentation in a home purchase do involve legal commitments. Engaging a legal representative may be helpful.