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Companies involved in the mortgage loan process are required to follow detailed regulations. Many of these are detailed in the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act — the Federal law commonly called "RESPA." The RESPA rules spell out the information that a lender has to provide to potential customers, step-by-step. They mandate detailed, full information about all costs, servicing details, account and escrow practices. They also mandate that lenders disclose any business relationships that they have with other parties involved in the transaction. In plain English, that means that you should be informed of existing relationships. If the mortgage process requires you to get your car washed, and the lender gets a commission from the car wash across the street, they have to tell you. Same for other not-so-silly business arrangements. The Dept of Housing and Urban Development - HUD - provides information on the RESPA regulations. Here are some of the current links: RESPA page that says nothing particularly useful. Settlement Costs Booklet The Settlement Costs booklet is quite useful and detailed — a recommended resource if youre starting the mortgage journey. HUD also sponsors housing counselors. Some consumers can qualify for counseling without any charges; where charges are involved for counseling, HUD requires that any counseling fees be "commensurate with the level of services provided." The HUD housing counseling agencies directory is here: https://apps.hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/hcc/hcs.cfm

This video and article explain which organizations are exempt from ability-to-repay laws when handling mortgages. While most lenders are required to assess a borrowers ability to repay a mortgage, a few types of agencies and organizations are not. These include: State Housing Finance Agencies Community Housing Development Organizations Community Development Financial Institutions Downpayment Assistance Providers In addition, some not-for-profit companies making relatively few home loans are exempt. Federal loans, like this made under, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, might be exempt. Mortgages laws are designed to help customers and lending institutions avoid risk. If you need to check on a lending institutions right to be exempted from Ability-to-Repay, inquire with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau online, or by telephone at (855) 411-2372.

Discrimination against home buyers is illegal and wrong; race, faith, gender, citizenship, abilities or impairments or family status cant be a factor, by law. If you feel discrimination is affecting or influencing your home-buying process, contact HUD - the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD maintains a hotline for filing complaints. Call (800) 669-9777, or File a complaint online at https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/online-complaint