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The types of homes that may qualify for a reverse mortgage include single-family homes 2-4 unit properties, condominiums, townhouses and newer manufactured homes. Co-ops do not qualify. The owner must be at least 62 with enough equity in the home to qualify. Borrower credit and medical status are not relevant to loan payments since you don’t make loan payments on a reverse mortgage. Lenders will assess borrowers’ financial capacity to pay taxes and insurance, and may set aside loan funds to pay these in the future.

A reverse mortgage lends you money against the value owned in your home. Repayment is not required until the home is sold or the borrower dies. Then the loan amount plus interest is repaid by selling the home. The lender has a primary claim a ‘lien’ against the home to secure the loan and interest. Income from the proceeds of a reverse mortgage are generally not taxable. Owners still pay property taxes and insurance

Major Veterans Affairs loan programs described in this video include: 1) Purchase Loans. These help eligible parties buy a home at competitive interest rates with little to no down payment and little or no private mortgage insurance. 2) Cash Out Refinance Loans which enable taking cash out of home equity to pay off debt, fund school or make home improvements. 3) Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loans also called Streamline Refinance Loans can help veterans obtain lower interest by refinancing existing VA loans Other programs include: 4) Native American Direct Loans to help eligible Native American veterans finance homes on Federal Trust land. And 5) Adapted Housing Grants to help veterans with service-connected disabilities buy, build or modify a home suited to their disabilities. Many states offer additional resources to veterans, too. Talk to your home lender about your situation.

As the video says, the name is misleading - theyre not loans FROM the VA. The VA - short for US Department of Veterans Affairs - is the Federal military veteran benefit system. The VA administers benefits and services for Servicemembers, Veterans their dependents and survivors. Programs related to home loans are one of their key services. The VA is not a bank; they do not provide home loans themselves. But they do guarantee a portion of home loans provided to veterans and other eligible people by banks and mortgage companies. These guarantees enable lenders to provide more favorable terms. They are are commonly called VA Loans. They cover buying, building, repairing, retaining and adapting homes for personal occupancy by eligible Veterans and survivors.

When you apply for a mortgage and provide the 6 required pieces of information, a lender must provide a Loan Estimate within 3 business days if the loan is approved. This video explains the basics. The Loan Estimate is a standard form, with required information. Yours will include: Loan terms, including interest and loan schedule Projected payments Costs at closing, including: Total Interest Percentage APR (Annual Percentage Rate) Estimates of costs from lender-recommended providers ("Cant Shop"). Final costs must be in defined limits of these estimates. Estimates of costs that you can shop; these will vary based on your decisions. Be clear that the Loan Estimate is anestimate - not a final, binding contract for loan costs and terms. It will give you a ballpark understanding about this loan, and some limits on the possible changes in final costs. For more assistance (and additional videos) on the specific parts and pages of a Loan Estimate, search "Loan Estimate" on this site.

Heres a short explainer video to help you compare mortgage loan options from different lenders. Most of us arent involved in mortgages every day, so the terminology and decision factors can be intimidating. Creating a simple, structured process to compare your loan options can make it a bit easier. Devise your own "checklist", and keep the same details for each lender and loan program as you shop. Your checklist should include company-level details: How big is the lender? (Offices, personnel, number of loans per year, or something other measurable factor.) Do they have local representation? Who is the key contact, and how can you reach them? For each loan, youll want to track consistent details. Some recommended items: Type of mortgage — fixed (15? 30?), ARM, balloon and so on. Minimum down payment required Current interest rate Points options and terms, if applicable. Closing costs Prepayment terms If the lender provides information on loan-processing timelines, that may be helpful to know. Because interest rates can change rapidly — even daily — accumulating this information gradually may not be effective. If you can arrange to call the lenders on your list on the same day, youll have a better basis for comparison. If you are already working with a real estate agent, they may have a list of lenders to help you get started.

The video puts this in more visual terms, however your individual scenario will figure out the very best sort of loan for you. Lenders can assist you utilize your responses to choose which loan best fits your requirements. Do you expect your finances to change over the next few years? Are you planning to live in this home for a long period of time? Are you comfortable with the idea of a changing mortgage payment amount? Do you wish to be free of mortgage debt as your children approach college age or as you prepare for retirement? Lenders can assist you in using your replies to decide which loan is the best fit for you.

Heres a short article and helpful explainer video, giving you some tips on choosing a lender for your mortgage loan. While applying for a mortgage can be intimidating, remember that lenders want your business! You are the customer, making one of the biggest purchases of your life. Companies you consider should be responsive, professional and helpful as you start sizing up your options. There are many advantages to working with a lender that has a local presence. They will have connections with the other businesses and government organizations involved in the purchase, and will know "how to do this" in your particular state and locality. A local presence also helps the lenders personnel be up-to-date on home values and conditions in the area, which could potentially be a factor in your search. Companies without a local presence should not automatically be rejected. Your communication preferences and record-keeping habits might make a national lender with a robust digital loan-processing system a fit. You should be comfortable with calls and video, rather than face-to-face conversation, if that looks like a fit. Advice from friends and family may be helpful, but keep this in mind. People do not buy homes as often as they buy groceries, or even cars. Verify the advice you receive with your own homework, online research, and feel for the situation.

This video outlines what to expect after youve applied for a mortgage loan. There are 6 required pieces of information for a mortgage loan application, covered in another video here on Video-Genius. Some lenders may request additional information at the time of application, or later. Once you have supplied the 6 required pieces, lenders have to provide a Loan Estimate in 3 business days. Lenders will verify the information you provide, through actions like credit checks, credit history and employment verification. Most lendersmust follow these steps, to assess your ability to repay. (Dont be offended by verification — it is required.) Once information has been verified, and processes like underwriting completed, the lender will make a decision about loan approval. If the loan IS approved, they will deliver a Closing Disclosure detailing all of the costs and terms. If you have a Closing Disclosure already, there are videos here that cover all of the pages and details to help you make sense of it. The Closing Disclosure itself must be delivered to you, 3 business days prior to consummation of the loan. The lender will usually set a date for that loan consummation process; this may also be your closing meeting. For clarity — closing essentially means "transferring ownership", and consummation basically means "committing to the loan." Once you have completed both of these, take a breath and pat yourself on the back! Successfully buying a home is a big milestone. Hopefully you remembered to get the keys so you can start transforming "the property" into your home.

Can a mortgage be paid off ahead of schedule, and is it a good idea? Those are two separate questions. Most mortgages allow early payoff, but you should make sure you understand any payoff terms or restrictions in your specific loan. Some loans have prepayment charges. People sometimes accelerate payoff by sending extra money each month, or with an extra yearly payment. If you do this, indicate in writing that the excess funds should be applied to reducing principal. Record the payments and instructions! Whether paying off ahead of schedule is in your financial interest is a complicated calculation. If you have the ability to do it, and prepayment penalties arent an issue, you will reduce the interest you pay over time. But reducing a low-interest-rate loan by taking funds from higher-interest-rate investments may not be in your interest. (Note: Payment used against principal is not tax-deductible!) Your lender is one source of advice, but financial planning for you is not their core business. If you have the option, get advice from a financial planning professional when considering something like early payoff.