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The term "appraisal" has a specific meaning in the home-and-mortgage process. Its not an inspection; it is a professional assessment of thevalue of the property. The companies and individuals that do this assessment are called "appraisers". Its important to understand that the appraiser works for the lender, not the buyer or the seller. While a professional opinion about value seems like a useful thing in negotiating price, thats not their job. Because the property will be used as loan collateral, the lender really needs to know what its worth; thats the job. Appraisers have the training and experience to put numbers on key aspects of a property: Size Condition How it compares with other properties in the local market They have the training to focus on things that will affect value; as the video says, damage and neglect affect value but a sink full of dishes does not. The appraised value can affect transaction details. If the value is lower than the offered price, the offer might have to change — for example, reducing the price, or increasing the down payment. Appraisal results are a good point-in-time thing to know. Just remember that the appraisers customer is the lender, not you.

This video and article explain which organizations are exempt from ability-to-repay laws when handling mortgages. While most lenders are required to assess a borrowers ability to repay a mortgage, a few types of agencies and organizations are not. These include: State Housing Finance Agencies Community Housing Development Organizations Community Development Financial Institutions Downpayment Assistance Providers In addition, some not-for-profit companies making relatively few home loans are exempt. Federal loans, like this made under, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, might be exempt. Mortgages laws are designed to help customers and lending institutions avoid risk. If you need to check on a lending institutions right to be exempted from Ability-to-Repay, inquire with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau online, or by telephone at (855) 411-2372.

Can a mortgage be paid off ahead of schedule, and is it a good idea? Those are two separate questions. Most mortgages allow early payoff, but you should make sure you understand any payoff terms or restrictions in your specific loan. Some loans have prepayment charges. People sometimes accelerate payoff by sending extra money each month, or with an extra yearly payment. If you do this, indicate in writing that the excess funds should be applied to reducing principal. Record the payments and instructions! Whether paying off ahead of schedule is in your financial interest is a complicated calculation. If you have the ability to do it, and prepayment penalties arent an issue, you will reduce the interest you pay over time. But reducing a low-interest-rate loan by taking funds from higher-interest-rate investments may not be in your interest. (Note: Payment used against principal is not tax-deductible!) Your lender is one source of advice, but financial planning for you is not their core business. If you have the option, get advice from a financial planning professional when considering something like early payoff.

Equity is a key financial and legal term, but its not taught in school. Understanding the basic concept is very much in your long-term interest! (While equity is also used as a social term, this is just about the financial and legal sense of the word.) At heart, equity is "value owned." If you have equity in a home, or a company, you legally own some part of itscurrent value. If the value of the asset goes up, that part that you own becomes more valuable. In homes and mortgages, this idea of "the part you own" and "current value" are critical. As the example in this video shows, the value of the home changes separately from the size of the loan. You might own a $300K home today, and owe $200,000 — your equity is $100,000 in the current market. If the home is valued at $600K a few years later, and your loan principal hasnt changed (unlikely, but this is just an example), your equity would be worth $400K, and youd owe $200K. As the asset (property) value goes up, or the amount owed goes down, your equity grows. Generally speaking, assets like homes tend to go up in value over time. Equity becomes a financial tool for the owner; for example, as collateral. Because home equity is usually one of the biggest assets people accumulate, it should be treated carefully. Get financial advice before treating home equity like a giant piggy bank.